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Succulents and house planting

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My kids say this is a sign that I'm old and turning into my father... but the last few years (especially last year) I've started planting and enjoy propagating succulents. I've killed a lot of plants but do enjoy when I succeed every now and then.

Some more pics with baby plants sprinkled in here and there.

My wife started doing those when the pandemic started. I had never heard of a succulent!  She hasnt done any for awhile. The Amish sell a lot of those and literally hundreds of places within a 30 mile radius to get them.

HaHaHaHaHa....Turning into My Father....Well I don't know how close to home that strikes since my Father was a Horticulturist, and I went the Jet Mechanic route, but I grow Spider Plants. It started when one of the little spiders got pinched off and I stuck it in some loose soil in a pot. I hated the idea of it just drying up in the sun. Well from that one little spider I now have them everywhere. So you are not alone.   

They look good Jack!

Since I moved to S FL I haven't had any indoor plants. However I do have a backyard nursery with thousands of palm trees. crotons, schefflera, plumeria, corn plants, Bougainvillea, bromalaids, and other tropical plants. I sell large plants like coconut palms only locally, seedlings and seed for others on the internet. This year I expect to sell about 100,000 palm seed total. Right now is my seed harvesting season for some palms that make great indoor plants for up North like Dypsis lutescens I start shipping this week.  https://lab-14.myshopify.com/products/z-dypsis-lutescens-palm-seed-50-seeds 

Also grow food plants like bannana, plantain, mango, sour sop, jack fruit, sugar apple, papaya, and others. Pic of a Jack fruit for ya below.

While you folks up North can buy corn plants (Dracaena fragrens) at the local big box garden center we grow them in ground here and they flower and smell really good. I sell cuttings you can easily root.  https://lab-14.myshopify.com/products/copy-of-zz19-draceana-fragrens-massangeana-cuttings-variegated-corn-plant-usps-medium-flat-rate-box-full

Always have some spider plants and pothos ahahaha.


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