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Another restart. I know there was an item about cooking, but I figured I will broaden it up a bit and just call it Food. I will start with one of my favorites, a local favorite from the Chesapeake Bay
2021-04-04_04-31-04 by Kerry Grubb, on Flickr

1llb. of all lump blue crab meat, a couple slices of bread broken up as a binder, and egg, mustard, a bit of mayo, parsley flakes, and Old Bay seasoning. 

These were broiled in the oven for a few minutes but you can fry them in a skillet with a bit of oil too. For those that have not had a REAL MD crabcake, you dont know what youre missing :grin: :grin:

I will add picture taken before they were cooked.

I'm not into crabcakes but that does look good.

Blue crab used to be the workings man summer staple. Many a hillbilly crab feast in the backyard, brown paper on the picnic table and a case of blue ribbon or Natty Bo.  Now they are a treat for the rich and famous  :shock:. Prices have gotten completely ridiculous. Well over $100 for a dozen, when I was a younger man you could get a bushel for $25.  The crab meat I used in the above cakes was on sale at $32 a lb. I usually can get 6 (in this case I stretched to 7) cakes per pound, which at a restaurant a good cake will be $20-$25, so although expensive much cheaper to make at home. Only problem is I only splurge on them a couple times of year.

I agree, it is/was the same for lobster, another shell seafood that I don't care for... Actually I am not a fan of seafood at all but my wife loves it, but she can't stand Asian food and I love Chines food. So we don't ever eat seafood or Chines.


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