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Tires, Brakes & Suspension / Re: YearOne snowflake customs
« Last post by b_hill_86 on Today at 06:30:52 PM »
I thought we had a post here somewhere with examples on a few vehicles
Tires, Brakes & Suspension / YearOne snowflake customs
« Last post by Wallington on Today at 06:13:10 PM »
These 'custom' original snowflakes have been listed for some time now. Anyone seen some in the wild or where an owner has installed a set? I like them but haven't noticed any in use yet. Having said that, the lack of stepped outer edge gives the effect of being even larger than the original type in 17x9.

They are reproductions based on the original 15x7 Snowflake but in custom sizes. So now a 15x8 option of same design and looks original or the 17x9 rendition, different to the WS6 style snowflakes they have done now for nearly 15 years.

Second Generation 1970-1981 / Re: Fuel and brake line clamps
« Last post by Wallington on Today at 12:58:12 PM »
Luckily, I've not had to share a thing in 19 years.
Alrighty no problem
Second Generation 1970-1981 / Re: Fuel and brake line clamps
« Last post by wheels78ta on Today at 10:05:04 AM »
Hmmmmmm..........if I can convince the wife......Nah....she won't go for it.

But on the other hand.....I've read where it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.  ;-)
Thanks Brian.  I actually ordered a replacement socket already. 

The OER tach gauge is the one for the 1977.  Not going to spend another $360 on another one.
So, is that OER tach the 79-81 version (function, not font) or is it the earlier version jist with a quartz clock? It’s too bad you have a 77. I have a nice set of 79 gauges. I may have that secondary gauge bulb socket if you want one.
Lobby / Re: Things that annoy you on these cars
« Last post by b_hill_86 on Today at 08:16:00 AM »
Just a product of the nose change?
Lobby / Things that annoy you on these cars
« Last post by Wallington on Today at 03:12:10 AM »
In a world where everything annoys me, here's another one that I remembered when looking through some pics.

Why....could they not mount the radiator support to nosecone top brackets straight on 79-81 models??!

Wonky brackets 79-81!!

1974 managed to have them neat and tidy!

1977 worked it out!

Guh!! Stop it!!
Second Generation 1970-1981 / Re: Fuel and brake line clamps
« Last post by Wallington on May 31, 2024, 10:19:13 PM »
Thanks. It didn't come out how I'd originally planned but will work just fine and many times better than simply hanging there like the previous 30 years.
I had to rebend one end when it was found my replacement floor was much flatter than original and with a slight twist. I might lose points when the judges notice. Good chance I won't own it much longer, everything has to go.

Just the oven in the Kitchen. Car parts smell like Banana cake, Roast dinners smell like epoxy.

And for anyone that cares, the mastic sealing washers were by AMK, I found that NPD were good for stocking much of their range. I have about 4 sizes that were commonly used by GM on these cars, between trunk and spoiler parts, behind bumper brackets to trunk, marker lights and brake lights to trunk etc.

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