TAC Tech > Garages & Shops

Rot Repair in my Garage

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I knew that the trim at my garage doors was put in improperly (yes I did the work). It was never counter flashed. IF and when I do repairs for customers like this first thing I tell them is the guy didnt flash it properly. I DO know better. With all of that said, I knew the day would come to pay the piper. Bumped into the trim the other day and powder came pouring from the bottom. After taking the aluminum off found major damage. Ripped everything out, treated for the ants, put back together. No pics but we finished the siding today. Gonna re - wrap the other 2 doors now, after 20yrs they have gotten pretty beat up.
2021-05-28_03-14-09 by Kerry Grubb, on Flickr
2021-05-28_03-14-22 by Kerry Grubb, on Flickr
2021-05-28_03-14-30 by Kerry Grubb, on Flickr

5th T/A:

Good thing you got a guy who can do these repairs for you and he works cheap.


--- Quote from: 5th T/A on May 28, 2021, 02:47:14 PM ---Kerry,

Good thing you got a guy who can do these repairs for you and he works cheap.

--- End quote ---

I don't know about that... I think its time that he called a professional lol.

Rot repair jobs on buildings are like rust repair jobs on cars. We always hope there's less hidden damage than we think and yet every time it's much worse than we thought it might be. I'm currently doing rot repair on my house and I don't think there's a single piece of the entire exterior that's salvageable.

Question for you Kerry, why so many jack studs? and why some are PT and others not?


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