TAC Central > Lobby

What I've been doing the past couple months... now 2 years...

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Looks like the start of a new life after already living one.
Good luck on your new adventure


Im jealous!  lol

Looks like you're making great progress.

5th T/A:
Congratulations Mike,

Wishing you much happiness and good health with your new place. With that much real estate that new tractor should get plenty of use.

When you mentioned 1400 foot driveway I thought a quarter mile is 1320 feet, really puts the length into perspective. Then I thought you could do accelerations runs on your driveway and not worry about breaking any laws.


kentucky yeti:

--- Quote from: roadking77 on June 27, 2021, 08:43:33 AM ---x2 and 3. Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy for the next couple of years. When you first posted pics of your new tractor and mentioned the long drive you were putting in, my first thought was 'hes gonna need a bigger tractor'. But I see you have that taken care.

--- End quote ---

Here's what I disked the place up with.  Big enough?  :lol:  Thank goodness for nice neighbors that farm for a living  8-)

Untitled by kentuckyyeti, on Flickr

Untitled by kentuckyyeti, on Flickr

kentucky yeti:
Got me a  little JD 350 with a clamshell bucket.  It needs new hydraulic hoses before I can work it hard.  The old ones are leaking bad.

Untitled by kentuckyyeti, on Flickr


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