TAC Tech > Exterior

Ordered new wheel flares

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So today I ordered the only fiberglass wheel flares I could find in the states. I ended up getting them off Ebay. They are inexpensive so we'll see what the quality is like. I have gone through all of the original urethane originals in my stash and all of them have shrank and curled right where they meet the body. Even with the expensive original style welting (I got it from a guy on Hitmans site years ago who had original designed extrusions made for a short run in different colors) I cannot make them fit without huge gaps. It's crazy too because I have my originals and they used to fit perfectly but 15 years of sitting and there is no way to close the gap. I tried heating them up and rolling the edge back but it eventually curls up again. 

Anyways, that is why I wanted to go with fiberglass, so I could contour them for a better fit. I figure the replacement urethane ones will probably like garbage too so I'll post pictures and give an update once I get these new fiberglass ones in.

I have been running my car without flares for over 3 years now. I figure it's about time to get them on the car.


Yes, that was the guy! His product is phenomenal!

No, it's the thin area where it touches the body. The area the welting slides over. Think of a piece of paper with the edges curled up. You can't get them to lay flat. If you us any backer the welting won't fit on and  if it did I would touches h the body and hold it away whatever the thickness is of the backer. It really stinks because I have nearly perfect original flares. I have been noticing that most cars are this way with poor fitting flares but it drives me nuts when I worked so hard to have a perfect body and paint and then these eye sores would be on there. So, I'm going to try fiberglass.

I'll try to get a picture of my original flares to show you. At least it may be something you can look for when purchasing originals for your car.

With the fibreglass ones even if they dont fit right you should be able to 'tune' them in with some finess.


--- Quote from: Wallington on November 25, 2023, 08:43:55 AM ---Have you seen the cheap sets on eBay from India?

--- End quote ---

Yes, but those scared me. $400 and no idea what or when you'll see them. That's why I went with the USA ones. The are the only two options for fiberglass ones I could find. There used to be a bunch of options but not now.. 

Ya, Kerry,  that is why I want to try these. I can add, subtract and contour them to my liking. I just hope they are close to original shape to start with.

I have a set of those eBay flares & they fit up nicely.  I've only test fit them so far but am pretty impressed.  Only wish I'd have paid extra to have the inserts with the mounting studs.  Mine will be screwed into the wheel well lips.  Hope yours are up to snuff.


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