Generation Specific > Second Generation 1970-1981

Fuel and brake line clamps

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Has anyone ever checked or cataloged the original colours of their fuel and brake line clamps? 20+ years ago I had mine all off and nicely painted silver, now I have them off again as getting a batch of replating done. After cleaning and paintstripping, I've recorded that so far every one of them was silver zinc plated, and then some, depending on the size, were coated black or an orange.

I've seen references to blue, and possibly a pic or two of original vehicles that look blue, but so far none of mine have been. And the coating is a type of anodising also. The black is still very clear while the orange is more of a tint and not an old gold, neither of which came off with the paint stripper. But all will come off when I treat the metal prior to plating.

I only have a few left in the engine bay still to check, a couple I have swapped positions with due to running extra brake line across the crossmember instead of fuel only, most can only go certain locations anyway due to the pipe amount, pipe sizes, then the addition of armour sprial sleeve on one or both. Or all 3, as I think one or two locations have.

Of course, none of this type seems to match the reproduction early versions being offered, they look cheaper, thinner and probably don't have stamped sizes either.

I have a car with 45,000 miles on it that might have some identifiable color, but I'll just have to try to remember to look the next time it's on the lift.  It's hard to get to it where it normally hibernates.

All good, now fully replated and recoloured where required. I won't bore with pics or which ones are colour-coded.

Just now seeing this thread, there was hints of blue paint on the ones I took off of my 79 Tenth.

Freshly plated originals, a few yet to add further colours to.

Firebird replated fuel and brake line clamps (5) by Ben, on Flickr

Firebird replated fuel and brake line clamps (1) by Ben, on Flickr


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