Generation Specific > Second Generation 1970-1981

12-point head fender screws

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Anyone ever seen these before or similar used on these cars? Claims they came off the radiator support to fender on a 79 TA.  I can't read the part number that had changed by the 1980 Assembly manual and none of my guesses translate to known parts.

I have them on my 1981 T/A

Thanks, that must have been the part number that didn't come up. Even back then GM were trying to prevent nose swaps! I checked my original, low-mileage 1979 engine bay pics and they are all regular type where visible. My limited 80-81 enginebay pics don't show this area, most pics crop it out.

Actually, when I was reassembling my 79 I had those screws labeled as a front end screw
 I posted a picture if them here asking where they went and someone posted a picture of there location.  I can't remember exactly where they go, but I can open my hood and find out if you need me to.

Yes, I remembered a post once but not the specifics. I probably even saved pics, just didn't type in the right keywords.


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