TAC Tech > Interior

Wesco seatbelts


Anyone familiar with these guys? They seem very similar to Morris belts except that they still appear to offer the GM logo button. I thought they may even have same suppliers but a brief google search shows a few that claim they are different and that the Morris retractors seemed to operate better.
Perhaps the buckle and receiver hardware is the same for both. May be a suitable upgrade or replacement for someone who needed to reweb their original belts but throw in a new chrome end. No guarantee they match the GM deluxe type but obviously that is what they are copied from. A shame they only do coloured covers not the chrome or brushed chrome original options. Of course, they may not even sell the parts by themselves, they clearly have them as can order custom colours and lengths that need to be made up. So who supplies them?


I have the Morris ones when they offered the GM logo.  Their retractors really aren’t that great.  I’ve had to replace one and to me they just don’t retract very well in general.  I’m guessing the ones you’re looking at aren’t any worse.  I’d just make sure they have a good return policy.

Oh, I'm just posting for others. They are of no use to me, not even legal here. I only ever post for others.

Oh ok thought you were interested in buying them.


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