TAC Tech > Exterior

Rear windown removal/install

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What kind of clips have you all used in trim installation? I found some metal originals in great condition for my black car. The repros sucked and didnt work all that well. I also tried plastic with no luck.

With the 79 I bought new metal clips. Back window was problematic at best but worked. I had trouble with the front glass but was finally able to get them in place. THEN, last night I was cleaning the years of dust and I noticed the pass side down piece of trim was a bit high. I tried pushing on it to get back into position and the whole thing popped off, along with all of the clips. Then it all came back to me the trouble I had with the installation. I am tempted to try plastic to see if they will work any better.

I have only had luck with metal windshield and plastic rear if I remember correctly.  The rear window was a real pain and I'm not totally sure my rear trim is on a 100% tight all the way around.

I've only had the metal version, and of course there's different types for front and rear retainers. Others in the past have mentioned having more luck using the plastic retainers for the reproduction trim since the curves and fit aren't quite right and a little flex is useful.

I have original window trim. I did not know there was a difference between the back and front clips. I bought repros years ago when I did my black car and they were junk. The guy that was doing my windshield gave me a name of a guy to get original clips from but that was so long ago I have no idea who that is now. They worked pretty good. I am pretty sure I tried the plastic on my black car with no luck, but I suppose I will get a variety and see what works.

The front trim uses the short and square #20603072.


The rear trim uses the longer #9731301 (nylon alternative) or metal, haven't got number handy.



I think they were able to work together, some reference one, sometimes the other. GM even did a nylon version with same number, possibly different part numbers and suppliers, designs. The trim is 'the same' so should be fairly similar in function, if one gives dramas, try the other.

I know that I have different types in bags from over the years, not everyone selling parts is the same as GM and many universal to suit a few at same time. Have to check carefully. I have several good originals there, match with the new and toss the rest. Could even try a few clips in the trim before hand, see if slides freely but firmly and just slightly oversized so would snap into place without damage if needed.


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